Mercury's transit 2019 is over ...
... and as our first "earth-bound" visualization of Mercury's parallaxe effect with respect to the sun we show here a superposition of two pictures which have been simultaneously taken at 13:00 UT from Rosario SF, Argentina, by Aldo Kleiman and from Gifhorn, Germany, by B. Brandt.
Mercury's parallaxe with respect to the sun
as photgraphed from Argentina and Germany
Los primeros resultados del proyecto
First combinations
Because of bad weather many of us could not observe the transit. Nevertheless, some have been successful. As the very first results we show here the effect of Mercury's parallaxe as photographed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory SDO and observed and photographed by Ronald Schünecke and his Projektkurs Astronomie am Evangelischen Gymnasium in Lippstadt, and B. Brandt in Gifhorn, Germany.
Projektkurs Astronomie Lippstadt, Germany and SDO, 12:45:00 |
πS ≈ 8.8" - 10.5" |
B. Brandt, Gifhorn, Germany and SDO, 13:00:00 UT |
πS ≈ 10.8" - 12.2" |
Other "earth-bound" parallaxe effects
Rosario, Argentina - Gifhorn, Germany 13:00:09/13:00:00 UT A. Kleiman - B. Brandt |
πS ≈ 8.7" - 9.5" |
Medellín, Columbia - Rosario, Argentina 17:00:00 UT E. Torres - A. Kleiman |
πS ≈ ???
Bamberg, Germany - Rosario, Argentina 13:30:00 UT K. Völkel - A. Kleiman |
πS = 8.8" ± 2.7" |
Editor: |
Udo Backhaus
last update: 2021-04-07 |